How to Store and Serve Cucumbers

Summer is here! That means it’s time for fresh salad, iced tea, and your favorite treat on the grill. For us at Where the Redfearn Grows, cucumbers are becoming a frequent companion at the market stand. They’re practically hopping off the vines in our greenhouse!

In the spirit of summer fun and freshness, we wanted to give you some tips for making the most of your cukes this summer, whether snacking, storing, or even pickling. But first, it’s worth mentioning the different varieties of cucumber out on the market.

What is Burpless?
Cucumbers and other cucurbits (their cultivar cousins) naturally have a tough green skin. Some folks like to remove it before eating and that’s partly because it’s hard for our bodies to digest. For some, the standard cucumber can cause gas or other discomfort. However, varieties like the english cucumber have more delicate skins and are kinder to the stomach. Therefore, they’re called burpless. We’ll be offering english cucumbers as well as snackers and slicer cucumbers all summer.

Fresh is best when it comes to consuming cukes, but they will stay plump and crisp up to a week in your fridge (depending on the variety). You can keep them in the high-humidity drawer at the bottom of the fridge or even in a cool place on your counter. We’ve also heard of people wrapping their cucumbers in a damp towel and putting it in a plastic bag before storing it in the fridge. Try it out and see how it works for you!

Juicy green cucumbers are great in any fresh green salad. Slicing some cukes onto a bed of your favorite lettuce is the perfect side for a cookout or picnic. You could take a Mediterranean approach with some tomatoes, red onion, and oil like in this recipe or an asian twist with this spicy sesame salad. If you’d like to take your salad to the next level, consider adding some chicken or other protein.

When your cucumbers are less-than-crispy, they’re still great for pairing with dill in creamy sauces, like in the popular tzatziki sauce. It’s delectable over grilled salmon and even on burgers! If you’re feeling really adventurous and looking for an alternative for your cookout, try out these chicken gyros. Our mouths are watering just thinking about it!

If you’re like us and find yourself with too many cucumbers, it could be time to start pickling. You might have a secret family recipe that has been passed down for generations. (If you do, that’s awesome!!!) Just want to get your feet wet? Try this easy recipe for dill pickles. Just remember to check out the kind of cucumbers your recipe calls for. Different varieties can yield vastly different results.

Nothing beats crisp, juicy cucumbers in the summer. At Where the Redfearn Grows, we’re beyond happy that you are taking the time to buy fresh and put good food on the table for yourselves and your loved ones.

Bon appetit!

All the best,
Your Redfearn Farmers

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