February 22, 2019 is CSA Day!

CSA Day Offers Second Chance for New Year’s Resolutions
Celebrate Community-Supported Agriculture on Feb. 22 with Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farms

Independence, MO February 10, 2019 – Are your New Year’s resolutions already in the rearview mirror? If so, you’re not alone, but you still have time to make good on those resolutions. Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farms is pleased to join other farms from around the country for the third annual CSA Day on February 22, when you can join other like-minded people around the country who are committed to:

• eating healthful foods and preparing them for their families;
• supporting their local farmer;
• being kind to our planet;
• learning something new; and
• being adventurous in the kitchen.

CSA (community-supported agriculture) is a subscription to a season’s worth of sustainable, locally grown produce that is distributed to members throughout the harvesting season. It is a form of investment that allows small farmers to continue growing on a scale that may not be sustainable without the CSA model. CSA members enjoy the quality of fresh fruits and vegetables for their family, while supporting their local farmer.

According to Small Farm Central’s CSA Farming Annual Report, the most popular time to join a CSA each year is at the end of February. To promote this important time for farmers, CSA Day was coined, and each year it falls on the last Friday in February. It’s an entire day dedicated to the celebration of community-supported agriculture, and CSA farmers enjoy an influx of sign-ups from members, which gives them revenue when they need it most for the growing season.

Getting food from a CSA is different from going to a farmers market or using a grocery delivery service. As a CSA member, you make a seasonal commitment to a small farmer in your area, and the produce is available you pick it up at a local distribution center (Lee’s Summit, MO; Overland Park, KS; or Independence, MO. CSA members take pleasure in knowing where and how their food is grown, and typically have an open line of communication with their farmer.

“Community-supported agriculture is all about relationships and feeding families,” said Simon Huntley, CEO of Small Farm Central, a company that provides marketing support for small farms and started CSA Day. “CSA farmers typically teach members what’s in season throughout the year, and help them appreciate and cook food to which they may not otherwise be exposed.”

How to Get Involved with CSA Day
If you would like to celebrate CSA Day and support Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farms, sign up for a share on February 22, and use the hashtag #CSAday to join the online conversation.
“Sign-up is easy,” says Sheri Redfearn. “You can learn all about the CSA on our website. This year you can sign up online and only pay a small signup fee up front. The rest of your subscription (a small weekly fee of as little as $16) will be automatically billed each week during the season. Check it out at www.redfearnfarm.com or reach us at sheri@redfearnfarm.com or by phone at 816-457-1223. You can also find us on Facebook.”

Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farms
Dave and Sheri Redfearn
26355 E. Bundschu Rd. Independence, MO 64056


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