A weekly box of veggies from your local farmer!

Do you want to know your farmer?

Do you want to know where your food comes from and how it was grown?

Our CSA subscription program is the best way to reconnect with the story and the people behind your food.  We are real people, real farmers, who want to reestablish the connection between you and the soil right here in Kansas City!

Kansas City CSA Box Organic

Weekly CSA Box

Get a weekly self-customized share of the harvest starting at $33 per week.  Multiple delivery locations around Kansas City.

Sign up for the winter season and the summer 2025 CSA season

We have openings for the 2024-25 Winter Season  Go HERE to sign up.

Meet Your Farmers

Farmer Dave and Sheri

We understand what it feels like to want to look your farmer in the eye. After 11 years of farming we realize that we bring you more than just a box of incredible tasting veggies each week. The CSA is a place where you become friends with your farmer and other foodies like you.

Our Family Farm

Our family has been growing great produce since 2009 when we were bitten by the organic gardening bug.  Back then our CSA started with a handful of friends who wanted to join us in a transformational eating journey .  Over the years the farm and our CSA have grown, but we are the same old avid gardeners passionate about the dirt and about eating fresh produce!  We don’t have a big farm, but we utilize year-round production strategies to provide our community green, fresh, locally grown, produce throughout the year including the cold Missouri winter.

Where can I get my Veggies?

For Winter CSA we have pickups Thursday afternoons and evenings in Prairie Village, Overland Park, Brookside, Lee’s Summit, Lakewood and at the Farm in Independence, MO

What's in my box each week?

The truth is, only you can answer that question because our unique CSA allows you to choose the contents of your box each week.  Before every CSA pickup we’ll send you an email updating you on what’s going on at the farm and letting you know what we are harvesting each week.  Want more details? Download our Harvest Calendar below to see what will be available each week throughout the year.

Why Choose a CSA?

Eat with the season!  Become part of the local food movement!  Know your farm and know your food!  Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farms CSA program allows you to take home your share of the harvest each week.   Each week we arrange the bountiful harvest farmer’s market style for our members to select from.  Choose what you want in the quantities you want based upon the membership level you have subscribed to.  CSA’s are proven to increase vegetable consumption and lead to positive health outcomes and our members agree.

You'll Eat more Veggies!

Eat Healthier!

Chances are you are missing out on some of the incredible health benefits of vegetables.  A recent CDC study reveals that 86% of Americans are not eating enough vegetables!  Joining the CSA is taking a big step toward joining the 14%ers!

What our members are saying

“When joining Redfearn Farm CSA, I had no idea how much of a catalyst for change in our lives it would be. After being members for a few years now, we have really made a transformational change in our family. The variety keeps us constantly trying new recipes and even introduces us to new vegetables that we’ve never tried before. The fresh produce is so yummy that you don’t crave processed food. The Facebook group has been great because I get new ideas from other members, and it serves as inspiration when I am struggling with meal planning. Our children love seeing where their food is grown. Whether or not we’ve ever said it, joining helped us feel more a part of a community and it’s been fun to find out new friends are also members. We can’t thank Sheri and Dave enough for allowing us to be a part of their farm family.” –Courtney McGinnis

Crowd Sourced Inspiration

Our Online Community

In our CSA we have some absolute rock stars when it come to cooking as well as some total beginners.  The private CSA Facebook group is an amazing place to get inspired by fellow members and ask how to better use that kohlrabi you chose last week!

We include lots of coaching and support

We’ll help you put those veggies to good use!

It’s normal to wonder if you’ll be able to eat all the food you get each week. That’s why we’ve built in a pretty hefty training support system into your membership.

Our private Facebook group community and weekly emails with recipes and storage tips from Shieri will shortcut your learning curve to CSA mastery!

Spring Mix + Tomatoes + Green Beans
Carrots + Lettuce Heads + Baby Bok Choy
Garlic + Basil + Arugula
Fresh Baby Ginger + Fresh Turmeric + Zucchini
Baby Spinach + Broccoli + Bell Peppers
English Cucumbers + Spicy Peppers + Collard Greens 
Cilantro + Parsley + Dill
Sugar Snap Peas + Baby Salad Turnips + Mini Cucumbers 
Kale + Sweet Onions + Broccolini 
Kohlrabi + Pattypan Squash + Radishes
Green Onions + Cherry Tomatoes + Celery
Swiss Chard + Napa Cabbage + Eggplant

Yeah, we pretty much grow it all!

We grow year round and we don’t have room to list everything we grow.  If you want to see a handy calendar that covers every vegetable we grow and when you can expect us to be harvesting it sign up below!

Sign Up For Emails:

Check out this introduction video to the farm

What our members are saying

“Before joining the CSA, we were a boxes/bags/cans processed food family. Kids and adults in activities meant little time in the evenings for quality meals. After a few seasons with the Redfearns, our busy family cooks together more, sits down for meals together more, and have gotten more adventurous with our menus.  My wife and I no longer have to hear about cholesterol or exercise or those other middle-aged problems on our doctor visits.  Our 8-year-old actually asks for vegetables as a snack.  Most importantly, we’re comforted by the knowledge that we know exactly where our food comes from and that it’s grown free of harmful chemicals, just as nature intended.  Dave, Sheri, and the Redfearn kids have helped make our family happier and healthier.  Joining the Redfearn CSA was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.” –Michael Lynch”


Naturally Grown



The health of our family, our customers and our environment is of critical importance to us. That is why preserving natural practices in the growing of the produce we provide to our community supported agriculture members is part of who we are.

We aim to protect biodiversity, build organic matter in the soil, prevent pollution, reduce waste, and conserve resources. Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farms was founded with the belief that natural ecosystems hold within them the keys to growing healthy food.  We’re committed to our “more than organic” standards.

We bring ancient agricultural wisdom and modern biological research together to develop growing practices that mimic naturally occurring processes and result in healthier food and a healthier environment.

Our commitment to using natural growing practices requires us to emphatically reject the use of all of the following on our farm:

  • We reject all synthetic chemical pesticides (Sevin).
  • We reject all synthetic herbicides (Roundup, Preen, etc.).
  • We reject all synthetic fungicides (Daconil).
  • We reject all petroleum based fertilizers (ammonium nitrate, super phosphates, potassium phosphates, etc.).
  • We reject all Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) seeds.

At Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farms, feeding the soil is our core business. It may look like dirt to you, but the soil is a vast ecosystem of living organisms and minerals, iron oxides, unicellular bacteria, actinomycete filaments, flagellated protozoans, ciliated protozoans, amoebae, Mycorrhizal Fungi, nematodes, root hairs, earthworms, elongate springtails, and mites. These combine to make nutrients available to plants.

Synthetic fertilizers short-circuit the process, giving a quick jolt to plants, but often starving the soil organisms and reducing long-term productivity of the soil. We make it our aim to improve soil quality and organic matter content with every growing season. We improve the soil through the application of copious amounts of locally sourced organic compost made from recycled Kansas City area food and lawn wastes and tested and guaranteed free from chemical residues as well as compost produced from crop residues on the farm.

We also apply composted manure as well as kelp meal and fish emulsions for added nutrients. We plant cover crops like buckwheat, winter rye, and field peas to add organic matter and fix nitrogen into the soil. The thick organic straw mulches we apply for water conservation and weed control also break down to feed the soil microorganisms. Crop rotations including deep-rooted crops help bring up key minerals locked deep within the Missouri subsoil.

Finally, we limit tillage and compaction of our planting beds for improved soil structure that gives soil microbes, fungi, and earthworms the ability to thrive.

“You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces — just good food from fresh ingredients.” – Julia Child

Get our FREE cookbook and join the Farm-ily

That’s right, we said “Farm-ily!”  We really do feel that way about our members.  If you’ve never been a part of this kind of local food community, you are really missing out! The CSA is full but we’d like to give you our FREE spring eCookbook to help you learn to eat with the seasons.