Recipes and Storage Tips for Kale

In the local and health food movements, many foods have gotten the spotlight as being immune boosting, high in antioxidants, superfoods, and much more. One of the most prevalent at the market is kale. Kale is a sturdy leaf from the brassica family (think broccoli and cabbage) that’s incredibly versatile and readily available for much of the growing season. This week as Where the Redfearn Grows, we want to take you through a few of the many ways that kale can make your table more scrumptious!


It’s important to keep kale cool as it wilts easily in heat. So, place it in your fridge and don’t wash it until it’s time to prepare it. To keep the kale from going limp too quickly, stick the leaves in a bag or a sealed container. Your kale will be most crisp in the first few days after you’ve brought it home, but it’s still great for cooking even two weeks later!


Since kale is tough and fibrous, it often takes a little cooking or wilting to make it tender. But, if you’re looking for a way to use it fresh out of the garden, consider massaging the kale with some oil and salt. (And yes, it does require some caressing of the leaves with your own hands!) If you have other ingredients you’d like to use with your kale, try this simple salad to spruce up those leaves.

If you’re not quite ready to get personal with your kale, throw it on a skillet for a few minutes with oil, spices, and other toppings for a delicious sautéed kale side. If you’re feeling a little more adventurous but don’t want to adulterate your fresh greens, take a stab at kale chips. They’re a great snack and don’t require as much active cooking time as other recipes.

Add to Anything!
Like any cooking greens, kale can be used to add color and texture to almost any dish. It’s great cooked into eggs and added to soups like this zuppa toscana. If you don’t feel like heating up the stove, kale can even be used as an addition to your favorite smoothie or juice recipe. Check out this blueberry kale smoothie for a sweet, refreshing take on these leafy greens!

It’s hard to go wrong with kale. So, once you have the basics, experiment! We’d love to hear what you discover. No matter what you make, we at Where the Redfearn Grows are excited that you are seeking good, locally-sourced food to nourish the ones that you care about. 

Happy eating!

-Your Redfearn Farmers

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